
Git Team Workflow

A tutorial to learn how to manage a coherent and organized workflow on collaborative team projects with a shared Git repository.

The goal of this tutorial is to practice branching with Git and how you can use branching to manage a workflow that involves multiple developers.


The team workflow presented here is based on Vincent Driessen’s article “A successful Git branching model” that introduced the “Git flow” pattern, which is now a best practice used by software engineering teams around the world.

In the course of a team project you are likely to apply the steps outlined here several times. You should follow this process on real team projects. Over time, this will make your team more productive while working in parallel.

This image shows the entire process described in the instructions below. The process likely appears complex at first, but you’ll do each step below one at a time. As you practice this process with teams, you will master it!

Diagram 1: Complete workflow

Getting Started

For this lesson you will work alone, but imagine you are working with a group of other developers. Imagine each commit along the way as being added by a different member of your group.

To start this exercise, set up your repo and code editor:

then carefully follow the instructions below step by step.


You are working on the script for a new movie, “The Unicorn King”. You need to fix typos (bugs) in the script, add new characters (features), resolve merge conflicts and publish (push) the script along the way.

While working on a team, you will create branches to manage team workflow:

At any point you may want to merge one or more of these branches together to incorporate changes from several different lines of Development.

Rename Character

The first step is to create a new branch you can use to make small changes to the Development version. It’s important that the changes to this branch are not visible until they are considered ready to be published.

Your goal: Create a new develop branch and rename the character. This will be the Development version.

Diagram 2: Rename character

Oh No… Typos!

Sometimes your team will need to fix the Production version of a movie script (product) that has already been published to movie executives (users). Since you don’t want them to see the young boy George’s new name just yet, it’s important to fix the typos in the Production version (master branch). This is a Hot Fix, so you’ll need to create a new branch off of master.

Check the current version of the project for typos.

Diagram 3: Typo fixes

These new changes should be incorporated into the Development version.

Diagram 4: Merge typo fixes

Add New Characters

Your team will be creating New Features frequently. On larger teams it’s safer to keep this out of the Development version until the new feature is fully functioning, which may take a long time.

The producers have suggested that adding a zookeeper to the story would be a good idea. They may change their minds in the future. Probably best to keep this in a new feature branch.

Create a new zookeeper branch where you can incorporate the zookeeper.

Diagram 5: New character

Improve Story Ending

The word from the movie execs up top is that the plot’s conclusion is weak and reviews will be critical. You’ll need to improve the story’s ending.

The current ending is already part of the story (product), so your team is improving something that has already been written (implemented). Therefore, this work should be done on the Development version (develop branch).

Diagram 6: New story ending

Merge new character branch into develop

The new character ideas were approved! Be sure to proof read them before merging them with main story in the Development version.

Diagram 7: Merge new character

Review new script and ship it!

When releasing a new version of a product, you’ll merge the latest Development version (develop branch) into the Production version (master branch).

Diagram 8: Complete workflow

Excellent work! Now you know how to manage a coherent and organized workflow on collaborative team projects with a shared Git repository.

In the course of a team project you are likely to apply the steps outlined here several times. You should follow this process on real team projects. Over time, this will make your team more productive while working in parallel.

Additional Resources